Google Foundation Announces AI Accelerator Program for Nonprofits

As brands, tech giants and consumers face the boom in AI-integrated tools, nonprofits are I try not to fall behind. Google, one of big tech’s AI leaders, is lending a hand. Unveiled on March 28, the new Accelerator: Generative AI seeks to equip more “high-impact” nonprofits with support for generative AI through funding, technical […]

Google Foundation Announces AI Accelerator Program for Nonprofits

As brands, tech giants and consumers face the boom in AI-integrated tools, nonprofits are I try not to fall behind. Google, one of big tech’s AI leaders, is lending a hand.

Unveiled on March 28, the new Accelerator: Generative AI seeks to equip more “high-impact” nonprofits with support for generative AI through funding, technical training and mentoring during what is essentially a six-month Google crash course . Each of the nonprofits is already experimenting with or considering integrating AI-based tools into their work.

Participating projects include things like AI-based assistants and coaches built using Large Language Models (LLM), AI-based search interfaces, and chatbots based on language processing models. non-English natural language (NLP).


Israel reportedly used facial recognition and Google Photos to carry out mass surveillance in Gaza has already definitely invested money in AI-based projects, including experimental efforts like HomeTeaman AI-powered mental health training program for veterans created by Reflex AI.

In November, Google unveiled its AI Opportunities Program, a set of policy recommendations and actions to support the global integration of AI. The agenda highlights the potential of AI to “solve grand social challenges” and recommends the creation of a “global AI corps” capable of building an AI-ready workforce, in plus opening up other grant and training streams for businesses and organizations. Google followed its agenda with the European Initiative on AI Opportunities (And fund), providing “a range of foundational and advanced AI training to support vulnerable communities, startups and everyone.”

Google is exploring AI (and its profitability) across industries, such as its recent investments in consumer health tech, technology/health/google-generative-ai-healthcare/” target=”_blank” title=”(opens in a new window)”>AI-powered healthcare toolsAnd technology/health/google-health-check-up-2024/” target=”_blank” title=”(opens in a new window)”>the medical field in general.

The accelerator launches with its first cohort of 21 nonprofits, spanning diverse sectors and AI use cases, including initiatives from major global players like the World Bank. See the full list of accelerator participants and their AI tools below.

  • Benefits of trusting dataa nonprofit that helps low-income people access government benefits, is developing an AI-powered assistant for social workers and frontline workers.

  • Beyond 12, a technology nonprofit that supports students in underserved communities, is creating an AI-powered generative college coach for first-generation college students and students from under-resourced communities.

  • Career Villagea community center for professional and student advice, extends its AI Career Coach for underrepresented people.

  • Climate policy radara nonprofit technology organization providing NLP tools for access to climate research, is designing an AI-powered search interface for its climate law and policy database.

  • Code patha non-profit organization focused on diversifying technology careers, will provide AI tutoring and mentoring solutions for personalized career support to underserved communities.

  • DENIEDa digital learning nonprofit, develops personalized tutoring and other services based on generative AI for students in low- and middle-income countries.

  • Complete facta misinformation and fact-checking organization, will introduce a generative AI fact-checking tool that analyzes and summarizes large volumes of health misinformation.

  • IDInsight, Inc.a social impact advisor, provides AI-powered generative responses to health-related inquiries from new or expectant mothers in South Africa.

  • Jacaranda Health, a non-profit organization that supports public hospitals, uses an NLP tool trained in African languages ​​to provide digital health services to mothers.

  • Justice laboratory, a nonprofit that designs digital solutions for immigrant justice, is developing an AI assistant that provides personalized legal advice to immigrants on the path to citizenship.

  • Materiala non-profit organization universalizing regenerative materials, is developing a generative AI tool for entrepreneurs who create and test recipes for compostable biomaterials, intended to reduce packaging and textile waste.

  • mReliefa nonprofit startup that connects people to government assistance, creates an AI assistant that helps individuals apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

  • Opportunity@Worka nonprofit organization dedicated to work and employment, explores AI-powered research on non-degree career paths, helping workers. Qualified through Alternative Routes (STAR).

  • Partnership to End Addictionan addiction prevention, treatment and recovery nonprofit, develops AI-powered addiction support services for families, including training simulations and quality assurance tools.

  • Quill.organ open-source digital education platform, will launch AI-based writing and reading comprehension feedback for students.

  • Tabiaa technology non-profit organization addressing youth employment globally, operates a generative AI tool that provides employment and suitability advice to job seekers in countries across the world. low or middle income.

  • Translated, a nonprofit technology organization providing language services to humanitarian organizations, is currently offering AI-powered translations to support human refugee advocates.

  • American digital responsea technology solutions nonprofit that helps governments and other public entities, has designed a language access tool intended to help reduce barriers to unemployment insurance.

  • The World Bank is developing a generative AI tool to help policymakers extract research results more quickly and efficiently.

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Google artificial intelligence
