How to increase your population in Manor Lords

Slavic magic People are your most important resource in Lords of the Manor. Without a growing population, you won’t be able to efficiently build new structures, staff your buildings, and have people ready to fight any battle. Even though you’re in charge of almost every aspect of your growing kingdom, you can’t force new people […]

How to increase your population in Manor Lords

Slavic magic

People are your most important resource in Lords of the Manor. Without a growing population, you won’t be able to efficiently build new structures, staff your buildings, and have people ready to fight any battle.

Even though you’re in charge of almost every aspect of your growing kingdom, you can’t force new people to join your village if they don’t want to. Your grand plans for the perfect kingdom will be thwarted before they even begin if you can’t figure out how to increase your population to help you build that dream. There are two main factors you need to understand to increase population, but one of them is a little less clear.

how to increase your population

A menu detailing the population of a Manor Lords town.
Slavic magic

The first and most obvious cap on your population is the number of burgage plots you have. You start with a few homeless citizens, but new families aren’t very interested in joining a village if they have nowhere to sleep. You can build multiple plots or improve existing villages to allow more people to live there. Additionally, other buildings like churches and the mansion also allow families to live there.

However, even if you have a whole neighborhood of new homes waiting to move in, no one will if your approval rate is too low. This is noted by a percentage marker on the bar at the top of the screen. If you have a rating of 24% or less, you will lose a population every month. If it’s between 25% and 49%, there will be no change, 50% to 74% will add one person per month, and 75% to 100% will add two people per month. As long as you are above 50% and there is room for them, your population will increase steadily.

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