How to Use ChatGPT to Parse PDFs

With its advanced vision capabilities, ChatGPT can provide you with in-depth analysis and synthesis of images and documents. This can be especially handy when you have a research paper or legal documents spanning dozens of PDF pages. Why go to all the trouble of analyzing them yourself when you can simply have ChatGPT do it […]

How to Use ChatGPT to Parse PDFs

With its advanced vision capabilities, ChatGPT can provide you with in-depth analysis and synthesis of images and documents. This can be especially handy when you have a research paper or legal documents spanning dozens of PDF pages. Why go to all the trouble of analyzing them yourself when you can simply have ChatGPT do it for you? In this guide, you will see how easy it is to upload PDFs to ChatGPT.

Upload a PDF to ChatGPT

Step 1: Log in to ChatGPT. Open your web browser, navigate to and click the Login button in the lower left corner. Enter your credentials if necessary.

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2nd step: Attach the PDF to the prompt window. Click the paperclip icon next to the text entry field, select the document origin (you can select from local hard drive, Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive) and click the file you want to attach.

ChatGPT download source

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Step 3: Enter your query. Once the PDF is attached, enter your query, question, instructions, or anything else in the prompt field. In this case, I ask the system how much additional pork I would need if I wanted to triple the recipe’s portion. Click the up arrow button on the right edge of the prompt window to upload everything to ChatGPT’s servers and give the system time to do its analysis.

Chatgpt home screen with a PDF attached to the prompt field

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