How to Win Solos, Duos, Zero Builds and More in Fortnite

Winning a Fortnite match is not easy, as you will have to survive 99 other players when playing solo and dozens of other teams when playing as a duo or team. Whichever mode you tackle, win Fortnite requires strong reflexes, careful planning, and impressive knowledge of the map and all available weapons. If you played […]

How to Win Solos, Duos, Zero Builds and More in Fortnite

Winning a Fortnite match is not easy, as you will have to survive 99 other players when playing solo and dozens of other teams when playing as a duo or team. Whichever mode you tackle, win Fortnite requires strong reflexes, careful planning, and impressive knowledge of the map and all available weapons.

If you played Fortnite for a while, here’s how to win Fortnite, including tips for Solo, Duos, Trios, Squads and Zero Build. If you are new to Fortnite, don’t forget to check out our Fortnite beginner’s guide. For everyone else, here’s how to earn a Victory Royale in Fortnite.

Tips and tricks

Enable viewing of sound effects

Before you even jump into a match, enter Settings In Fortnite and access the audio section. Here you will find an option to View sound effects. Activate it and you will receive visual notification of many sounds, including enemy footsteps and chests. This will give you a huge advantage, as you will have a clear indication of where nearby enemies are at all times. Additionally, it helps to know where the chests are, as having sturdy equipment can lead you to victory.

Choose a suitable landing point

Goku lands in Fortnite.
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The fate of a match can be determined by your landing spot. If you’re a newcomer, landing in a hot spot will likely result in premature elimination. Likewise, landing somewhere without loot will leave you unprepared for the first part of a match. We’ve rounded up all the best places to land in Fortnite to help you out.

Have a varied load

Close combat in Fortnite.
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In Fortnite, shootings take place at all distances, up close, mid range and far away. For this reason, it is best to make sure you have weapons suitable for all situations. For close combat we recommend a shotgun or pistol, at medium range SMGs and assault rifles work wonders, and at long range you will need a sniper or a DMR. Having a variety of equipment will allow you to compete, whatever the situation. Likewise, it is important to always start each gunfight with maximum health and shields, if possible.

Watch out for enemy fire

If you look at the top of the screen, you will see a compass that displays the direction of enemy fire. This is indicated by a red dot, so be sure to use it in conjunction with View Sound Effects to get an idea of ​​where your opponents are.

Be aware of the storm’s position

Character running near trees in Fortnite.
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It’s important not to have tunnel vision when playing. If you get distracted, the storm will come and blow you away quickly, leading to an early elimination. Instead, always take a look at the timer below the mini-map to make sure you know when the storm will move through. Likewise, be sure to check the map itself to see where the next circle is so you don’t get caught.

Practice building in creative mode

The building is an essential element of Fortnite standard Battle Royale mode, but it’s an extremely complex mechanic that can be intimidating to learn. Rather than trying to learn in a live competitive setting, jump into a creative match to practice building quickly. Your goal should be to learn how to quickly build a wall around yourself, which will come in handy when an opponent shoots at you while you’re out in the open.

Play with (or watch) experts

The best way to improve is to play with veterans. The benefits are huge because you can learn small techniques that you might not otherwise master. Be sure to pay attention to the legendaries, weapons, and small strategies used by expert players so you can implement them yourself. If you don’t have experts to play with, watching popular YouTubers or streamers can also be helpful. Learning from your own mistakes is useful, as is learning from others.

Don’t shoot unless you know you will win the shootout

Character aiming down in Fortnite.
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It’s easy to want to shoot every enemy you see, but often just spotting an opponent isn’t enough to guarantee elimination. The enemy may be in cover or be good at dodging, so we recommend shooting only if you are 100% sure you will hit them. Firing prematurely can warn your enemies, giving them plenty of time to prepare. The best solution is to follow your opponent until you get a clear shot while making sure there is little to no cover before shooting.

how to win Fortnite Solo

Character working in Fortnite.
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Playing solo in Battle Royale is different from fighting alongside friends. When playing solo, you don’t have teammates to watch your back, so you’ll have to be much more thoughtful in your decisions to try to survive. This also means that while you’re less likely to face multiple enemies at once (at least initially), you might encounter more gunfights overall than team-based modes.

Here are some tips to help you survive when playing solo:

  • Know your strengths and weaknesses
  • Play slowly and don’t be afraid to hide
  • Suppose there is an enemy at every POI you visit
  • Pay attention to the number of players remaining
  • Vehicles are priceless
  • Choose your battles

how to Win Fortnite Duos, Trios, or Teams

Character working in Fortnite.
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Team modes, on the other hand, play very differently. Having teammates can have a huge impact on the pace of a match, allowing you to win more shootouts, even if you find yourself in situations you may not be comfortable with. Since you have other players to watch your back, you can get yourself out of sticky situations more frequently, especially if you communicate effectively.

Here are some tips to help you survive when playing with friends:

  • Communication is key
  • Stay with your team
  • Use short but effective calls (like “on me” to indicate to your team that there is an enemy close to you)
  • Don’t leave your back exposed
  • Share supplies if necessary
  • Don’t give up if you get eliminated

how to win Fortnite Zero Build

Goku standing with his teammates in Fortnite.
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Although many tips regarding the standard Fortnite apply to Zero Build modes, the main difference is that your gun skills need to be top-notch since you can’t quickly build a fort to hide behind. It’s a double-edged sword, because your enemies are in the same boat as you. In many ways this makes things easier since you don’t need to learn how to build walls around yourself. You can spend less time searching for resources and more time moving around, hopefully allowing you to survive longer.

Here are some tips for surviving Zero Build:

  • Be Aware of the Next Cover Piece
  • Precise aim is much more important
  • Use Fast Healing Items When Possible

Since there is less cover in Zero Build mode, you’ll want to limit the time spent in the open as much as possible. Getting caught with nothing to hide behind could be a disaster, so make sure you have an escape route before venturing out into the open. You may also consider carrying an item that aids your escape, such as the Wings of Icarus.

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