Industry Unsatisfied with Gambling Survey 2023 Methodology

A study on gaming criticized March 28, 2024 07:29 Denis L. The industry and research express strong criticism of the Gambling Survey 2023. The methodology of the study is particularly criticized. )kcotS ebodaeeciveDD(Photo: © On a third of the German population plays according to the Gambling Survey 2023 Minimal increase in number of gambling addictsbut […]

Industry Unsatisfied with Gambling Survey 2023 Methodology

A study on gaming criticized

Denis L.

The industry and research express strong criticism of the Gambling Survey 2023. The methodology of the study is particularly criticized.

)kcotS ebodaeeciveDD(Photo: ©

  • On a third of the German population plays according to the Gambling Survey 2023
  • Minimal increase in number of gambling addictsbut does not decrease either
  • Industry and research criticize transparency and methodology of the study

The Gambling Survey 2023 carried out by the Interdisciplinary Institute for Addiction and Drug Research and the University of Bremen aims to make an important contribution to the acquisition of knowledge about participation in gambling in any Germany. Data is collected every two years and used to potentially realign protection measures. Critics like the German Sports Betting Association accuse the study of lacking objectivity.

The basis of recently published study are investigations in the Federal Republic of Germany. Participants are members of the German-speaking population aged 16 to 70 who have at least one mobile telephone connection or are registered on an online survey portal. The interviews were recorded in 2023 during the months of August and October. To identify gambling-related problems, DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) criteria were used. The methodology used had already been criticized in the last survey in 2021, but no significant changes took place until 2023. The following report shows what the main points of criticism are and what the study revealed.

To what extent is a study whose results are extrapolated from surveys objective? This question is being asked, among others, by the German slot machine industry, as the company spokesperson announced. The process had already been criticized in 2021. Opponents of the methodology accuse researchers of not generating reliable results. Critics assume that projections based on individual interviews are not valid enough to provide the big picture. The Gambling Survey 2023 team is accused of not providing a well-founded assessment, which reduces its relevance as a tool for adapting legal regulations. Another survey is planned for 2025 and will be implemented again by the same initiators. Regarding the reassessment of the State Treaty on Gambling in 2026, critics believe that it is even more important to rethink and realign the concept of the survey.

Gambling Survey 2023 results at a glance

When rating the most frequently used gambling games, LOTTO 6 of 49 always takes first place. In the 12 months preceding the survey, one in five respondents had participated in a draw at least once. This corresponds to a share of 19.8 percent. Second place was participation in the EuroJackpot lottery, with a total share of 13 percent.

The simple participation in a Online Casino cannot be specified because sports betting, the KENO lottery as well as casino and slot machine games have been grouped together and considered forms of risky gambling. According to the study, the proportion of users was 6.9% of the total population.

Forms of risky gambling and resulting disorders

According to the Gambling Survey 2023, 6.1% of survey participants complied with risky gambling variants. at least one and a maximum of three of the DSM-5 criteria used for assessment.

These include:

  • To increase the kick, the stakes have been increased
  • Using play to compensate for negative feelings and problems
  • Re-participation to compensate for previous losses
  • Risk for professional and private relationships due to gambling behavior
  • Relying on other people to provide money
  • Lack of ability to limit or stop play
  • Using lies to cover up your own gambling behavior
  • Gaming has a strong influence on daily life
  • Irritable and agitated behavior when trying to play less or not at all

People meeting one to three of the criteria cannot be excluded from risk; risky play is possible.

According to these criteria, gambling addiction is defined when more than three characteristics are met. This would affect 2.4 percent of respondents aged 18 to 70. According to the results, 1.0 percent suffer from a mild disorder, while 0.7 percent suffer from moderate and severe disorders. The gender distribution was also determined. With a proportion of 3.2 percent, more men than women (1.4 percent) suffer from gambling addiction.

The risks of gambling were examined in more detail in a report by ZDF. The following video shows, among other things, testimonials from affected people who have lost six-figure sums while gambling:

Gaming in numbers: how many people play regularly according to the 2023 gaming survey?

Statistics and forecasts show significant growth in sales of online gaming offers, which according to the study are classified as particularly risky.

In numbers, the 12-month prevalence looks like this:

  • Total population: In 12 months, 36.5 percent participated in gambling.
  • Gender prevalence: At 40.4 percent, the proportion of men playing is higher than that of women (32.7 percent).
  • To modify: The highest proportion of players was in the age bracket between 56 and 70, at 41.2 percent.
  • Migration: At 38.7 percent, the proportion of players without a migrant background predominates, while only 29.8 percent of migrants have played.

Frequency of games of chance according to Gambling Survey 2023:

  • Weekly game: Of those surveyed, 12.2 percent participated in gambling at least once a week.
  • Monthly game: 3.6 percent of survey participants said they attend between two and three times a month.
  • Unique game: 27.2 percent of study participants said they only used one group of gambling games (e.g. lottery).
  • Multiple game: 6.9 percent have used two forms of gambling, 1.6 percent have used three different variations and 0.9 percent of respondents have participated in at least four types of gambling.

The proportion of stationary players remains high at 17.3 percent. Only about one in ten respondents (10.7) said they only played online; 7.8% reported hybrid use. Younger study participants were more interested in online games, while older people preferred fixed offers.

A direct comparison between 2021 and 2023 showed that the gaming behavior of the population had barely changed. Additionally, LOTTO 6 of 49 is the most frequently used form of gambling; the prevalence of risky gambling remained below 8 percent. There was even a slight decline in sports betting and online slot machines compared to 2021.

Steady numbers and lots of criticism: why are so many interest groups outraged?

The criticisms did not only appear after the 2023 gambling survey: the authors of the study were criticized as early as 2021. We are talking about methodological errors in the evaluation and data collection which, according to many critics, should not serve as a basis for large-scale political decisions.

A statistical report estimates that the number of problem gamblers in Germany is clearly too high. Georg Stecker, spokesperson for the DAW, clearly emphasized that he supports the scientific discourse with data on gambling. It is important to him that the data collected is valid and secure.

The content is not much different today, after the publication of the second survey on games of chance. The study’s creators are accused of not listening to criticism from 2021. As the survey design has not changed, the validity is once again being called into question. But this is precisely what is important to focus on effective protection and establish the best possible measures.

The German Sports Betting Association has expressed its lack of understanding. Although statistician Katharina Schüller expressed a methodical critique of the concept in 2021, the methods used so far were emphasized when developing the study.

The authors must accept the associations’ question of why scientific objections were ignored. DSWV requires a fundamental review of the underlying methodology to determine the scientific basis of the study results.

In a 140-page report, the following points (2021 and now also 2023) were criticized:

  • Lack of representativeness: The telephone and digital survey is not representative of the entire population, in particular because many participants refused to respond.
  • Methodological errors: The weighting procedures used for data evaluation were attacked in the statistical report.
  • No transparency: The study has been accused of not being sufficiently transparent regarding the questionnaires and evaluation methods used. The study authors did not provide any raw data in 2021. Scientific colleagues did not have access to the data either.
  • Statistical rendering: According to the report, the nature of the study does not make it possible to identify a dynamic evolution. The image created is static and cannot be translated into the dynamics of the gaming industry.

The authors of the report want a factual and neutral debate to take place as early as 2021 in order to enable scientifically based regulation of gambling in Germany. Industry members also expressed similar opinions.

The general content shows that the collection of scientific data is desired as long as the methodology behind it is understandable and precise. These features will be absent from the 2023 Gambling Survey, like the 2021 data collection two years earlier.

Criticism of the political world: the CDU also attacks the study

Not only has a gambling investigation been carried out since 2021, but the areas of responsibility have changed in the past. Before 2021 (until the last survey in 2019), the recurring study was carried out by the Federal Center for Health Education.

The research contract was awarded to the ISD and the University of Bremen. Simone Borchardt (CDU) presented in her role as addiction expert the neutrality of the 2023 survey carried out is called into question.

New study planned for 2025

In 2025, the next gambling survey will return to the ISD and the University of Bremen again. It is currently unclear whether the second wave of criticism (after 2021) will lead to a new review of the study’s implementation.
