Phil Spencer reportedly told employees there were no plans to stop manufacturing Xbox consoles

Last week, Xbox head Phil Spencer announced a “Future of Xbox” event, which we now know will take place on Thursday, February 15. Speculation is rife about the implications of this event, amid rumors that several first-party Xbox titles are making their way to other platforms, with some believing this event will confirm those reports. […]

Phil Spencer reportedly told employees there were no plans to stop manufacturing Xbox consoles

Last week, Xbox head Phil Spencer announced a “Future of Xbox” event, which we now know will take place on Thursday, February 15. Speculation is rife about the implications of this event, amid rumors that several first-party Xbox titles are making their way to other platforms, with some believing this event will confirm those reports. At the extreme, others believe Spencer could herald the end of Xbox as a console platform. According to one report, that may not be the case.

Reverse journalist Shannon Liao reported in her weekly gaming newsletter that Spencer held a company town hall last Tuesday and told employees there were no plans to stop manufacturing Xbox consoles. Additionally, it was stated that “Xboxes would continue to be part of a strategy involving multiple device types.” Microsoft did not respond to Liao’s request for comment.

Over the past few weeks, reports have emerged that Microsoft has considered or is outright considering bringing titles such as Hi-Fi Rush and Sea of ​​Thieves to PlayStation and/or Switch. Starfield has also been rumored for a PS5 launch. More recently, The edge reported that Microsoft had considered bringing Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, scheduled to launch this year on Xbox and PC, to PS5 after a short exclusivity window.

These reports have led some to believe that Xbox is considering a major shift in its first-party strategy and platform strategy, with some even suggesting that it may abandon console development and focus solely on software. This speculation is apparently what led Spencer to post his response to X announcing the Future of Xbox event. The internal town hall would then have taken place the day after his tweet, in order to clarify things with the employees concerned.

Either way, hopefully everything should be clear when the Future of Xbox event, which takes the form of the Official Xbox Podcast, airs this Thursday at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET. The event will be broadcast on YouTube and other networks.

[Source: Shannon Liao]
