Playdate is hosting a site-wide game sale, like a real adult console

The little console that could, Playdate, organizes its first game sale on the entire site, just like its more established rivals. Manufacturer Panic is holding the sale to celebrate the first anniversary of the online store, officially called Playdate Catalog. The reductions are remarkable. If you own a Playdate, you’ll find plenty to like here. […]

Playdate is hosting a site-wide game sale, like a real adult console

The little console that could, Playdate, organizes its first game sale on the entire site, just like its more established rivals. Manufacturer Panic is holding the sale to celebrate the first anniversary of the online store, officially called Playdate Catalog.

The reductions are remarkable. If you own a Playdate, you’ll find plenty to like here. The cute little synthesizer app game leader is on sale for $8, down from $15, and the action RPG Under the castle is on sale for $7, a 30 percent discount. Many titles are much lower than this. The strange simulation of acquiring a unicycle/cafe A balanced drink is on sale for just $2 and the Adventure-esque dungeon crawler The Keyper is only a dollar.

One of Playdate’s biggest selling points is its abundance of indie games you can’t play anywhere else, which this sale highlights in spades. However, there is one big game missing from the sale. Lucas Pape March after midnight won’t be released until March 12, although the sale lasts until March 14, so maybe we’ll get a discount on day one.

For the uninitiated, the Playdate is a retro-style handheld console that resembles the original Nintendo game Boy. It is bright yellow and features a unique operating mechanism in the form of a hand crank. This crank is used in new ways, such as to keep the unicycle balanced in the aforementioned process. A balanced drink. It’s a gimmick, but a fun one.

Beyond the sale, new Playdate owners get 24 free games with the purchase of the $200 console. These are unlocked week by week for 12 weeks. The console has technically been available for almost two years, but there was an obscene waiting period while Panic worked to fulfill initial pre-orders. This is no longer the case, so orders are shipped within a few days.
