A Pokémon Presents livestream is planned for February 27.

The Pokémon Company is on February 27 at 9 a.m. ET to share “exciting Pokémon news” on its The annual stream, aptly named Pokémon Presents, will provide plenty of information on what’s happening throughout 2024. The company offers this stream every year, but this one might be special. After all, it falls exactly on the […]

A Pokémon Presents livestream is planned for February 27.

The Pokémon Company is on February 27 at 9 a.m. ET to share “exciting Pokémon news” on its The annual stream, aptly named Pokémon Presents, will provide plenty of information on what’s happening throughout 2024.

The company offers this stream every year, but this one might be special. After all, it falls exactly on the day of the completely unpredictable Pokémon holiday that celebrates the original Japanese release of Pokémon Red And Pokémon Green in 1996.

We don’t know exactly what will be shown, but we have some educated guesses. Given previous Pokémon Presents streams, we’ll likely get updates on live service hits like Pokémon Go, the Pokémon Unite MOBA, and Pokémon Sleep.

From dollars to donuts, we’ll also have something more substantial to chew on. Most of these streams feature the announcement of an actual Pokémon RPG. Chronologically speaking, it’s too early to expect a reveal of the true next-gen Pokémon game, because Scarlet And Purple Primary entries typically follow a three-year publication cycle.

That leaves remakes and spinoffs. Pokémon Shining Diamond And Shiny pearl released in 2021 so it’s high time for remakes of the beloved Pokémon Black And White fifth generation titles. This is just a guess, but it’s not like the Pokémon Company is going to skip a generation in its remake-a-palooza. It is Black And Whites turn to shine.

It’s also possible that we’ll get a new Let’s Go title set in a different region of the Poké-verse. We might even get a new action RPG like There will always be weird announcements, like a new Pokémon Mystery Dungeon or even a new one Pokémon Arts Academy which integrates the Switch’s touch screen.

You should expect a few announcements regarding content set in the Pokémon Cinematic Universe. The deliciously quirky was right so we can see a teaser. There could also be a trailer for a new season of Pokémon Horizons: The series.

Also, to throw some cold water on expectations, this is a stream made by The Pokémon Company, not Nintendo. You won’t smell a whiff of software planned for the Switch 2, or whatever the new console is called. Rumors are circulating that Nintendo’s release of this console will hold up, but it will focus on third-party titles and likely won’t include any news about the next console.
