Cannabis can be detected in breast milk for a long time

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 04. June 2024 11:16 p.m. Robert Klatt Woman breastfeeds her baby after using cannabis )kcotS ebodaolyagyats yaisatsanA(Photo: © Cannabis passes to infants through breast milk, even if mothers consume the drug several hours before breastfeeding. It is not yet clear what effects this will have on infants. Pullman (United States). According to a […]

Cannabis can be detected in breast milk for a long time

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

Robert Klatt

Woman breastfeeds her baby after using cannabis

)kcotS ebodaolyagyats yaisatsanA(Photo: ©

Cannabis passes to infants through breast milk, even if mothers consume the drug several hours before breastfeeding. It is not yet clear what effects this will have on infants.

Pullman (United States). According to a publication in the United States, cannabis is… Journal of Cannabis Research the most commonly used medication during breastfeeding. Breastfeeding mothers use cannabis primarily for therapeutic purposes, such as to cope with anxiety or chronic pain. According to Shelley McGuire, mothers often choose herbal medicines because they think they are safer than medications.

“Our results suggest that mothers who use cannabis think carefully about their decisions. These women made their informed decisions. It’s far from a random life choice.

Although breastfeeding mothers often use cannabis as an alternative treatment for various health conditions, there are no studies on whether and how its use affects babies.

“This is an area that needs significant, in-depth research so mothers know what is best.”

Cannabis while breastfeeding

Scientist of Washington State University (WSU) led by Courtney Meehan therefore studied whether the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive substance of cannabis, reaches the baby through breast milk. According to their publication in the specialized magazine Breastfeeding medicine They analyzed milk samples from 20 breastfeeding mothers who had used cannabis. Samples were collected at least 12 hours after cannabis consumption and at least 12 hours after cannabis use. Women who had children under six months also reported how often and with what intensity they used cannabis.

THC in breast milk

Researchers found detectable amounts of THC in all breast milk samples analyzed. They estimate that infants consume an average of 0.07 mg of THC per day. It is not known if this has any effect on the infant.

“Breast milk contains compounds called lipids, and cannabinoids are lipophilic, meaning they dissolve in these lipids. This could mean that cannabinoids like THC are accumulating in milk – and potentially in infants who drink it.

However, the concentration of THC in the milk varied significantly among the test subjects. Subjects who only used cannabis once during the study period reached their peak THC concentration shortly after consumption. On the other hand, in subjects who regularly consume cannabis, the THC concentration increases continuously throughout the day. Unlike alcohol, there is no uniform period of time during which THC concentration peaks and declines again.

“There was such a range. If you try to avoid breastfeeding when THC levels are at their peak, you won’t know when that point is reached in the milk.

Journal of Cannabis Research, doi: 10.1186/s42238-023-00212-w

Breastfeeding Medicine, doi: 10.1089/bfm.2024.
