Facts about Lauren Christy including her age, net worth and origin

May 31, 2024, 1:11 p.m. Lauren Christy from Buying London moved to the capital in 2021. Photo: Netflix/Lauren Christy/Instagram film%2Flauren-christy-buying-london-age-net-worth%2F&text=Lauren+Christy+From+Buying+London+Facts+Including+Age%2C+Net+Worth+And+Where+She%E2%80%99s+From+%40CapitalOfficial” target=”_blank” onclick=”gusto.tracking.social(‘twitter’, ‘share’)”> Lauren Christy is one of the main players behind Buying London. Get to know the glamorous real estate agent here, including where she’s from in South Africa and how long she’s been […]

Facts about Lauren Christy including her age, net worth and origin

May 31, 2024, 1:11 p.m.

Lauren Christy from Buying London moved to the capital in 2021.

Photo: Netflix/Lauren Christy/Instagram

Lauren Christy is one of the main players behind Buying London. Get to know the glamorous real estate agent here, including where she’s from in South Africa and how long she’s been in real estate.

Lauren Christy is one of the glamorous real estate agents in Buy London who is part of a key “storyline” with co-star Rasa Bagdonaviciute, after they clash on several occasions.

The women eventually patched things up, but not before she was accused by fellow agents like Oli Hamilton, Juliana Ardenius and Rosi Walden of being CEO Daniel Daggers’ “favorite” employee.

But who is Lauren, where in South Africa is she from, what is her net worth and what else do we know about her?

Get to know Buy London star Lauren here.

Lauren Christy is one of DDRE's top agents

Lauren Christy is one of DDRE’s top agents.

Image: Netflix

Where is Lauren Christy from in South Africa?

Lauren is from a small coastal town called Saint Francis Bay, a place she called “paradise” and said she will “always be home.”

“I lived there until I was 18 and then moved to Cape Town to study where I completed my degree in Marketing and Communications,” said during a Q&A session with fans on Instagram Stories.

She moved to London in 2021, in the middle of the pandemic, after landing a job at an agency in the city.

Lauren Christy is from South Africa

Lauren Christy is originally from South Africa.

Image: Netflix

How old is Lauren Christy from Buying London?

Lauren’s age is not known, but she studied at the AAA School of Advertising from 2009 to 2011.

Its description on Buy London is the main DDRE agent who “never tires of reminding the rest of the office of his long-standing friendship with boss Daniel”.

Daniel is 44 years old while the youngest agent in the office is Reme Nicole, who is only 21 years old.

Lauren Christy has an impressive net worth

Lauren Christy has an impressive net worth.

Image: Netflix

What is Lauren Christy’s net worth?

Lauren’s net worth is reported to be £11million, according to The movie buff. She has had a successful career in the industry and earns a commission share on properties worth between £10 million and £30 million.

CEO Daniel is said to be worth £170million while his co-star Rosi is worth £4million.

During a Q&A with fans on Instagram, Lauren said she got into real estate after her mother and brother were also agents. She told her followers: “I went to a launch in Cape Town and sat across from someone who had just left a big agency to start their own brokerage.

“We talked and he offered to hire me as his first agent in the company and he taught me everything he knew. I gave myself 3 months to see if I liked it and sell something and I managed to sell a small warehouse in that time so I continued.

Netflix’s Buying London Cast Overview

How long has Lauren Christy been working in real estate?

Lauren worked as an agent for eight years, starting in the industrial/commercial real estate field before ultimately making the decision to focus solely on residential.

Explaining to her followers how she knows Daniel, she said a few people in the industry keep telling her she needs to meet him. She recalls: “Eventually I took action and asked a mutual friend to put us in touch. We planned to meet for coffee and talk about @ddre.global’s business model, all things real estate, and how the industry is changing.

“I told him I was going to work with him one day and he told me I had a lot to learn about the UK market before I was ready to join the company. He was right. About a year later Later, I joined DDRE Global and haven’t looked back.

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