Final Fantasy XVI PC version is in the ‘final stages of optimization’, expect a demo before release

Final Fantasy XVI was released exclusively on PlayStation 5 last June. However, Square Enix had previously revealed that a PC version of the action game was in development. When I spoke to producer Naoki Yoshida at the Square Enix offices in Tokyo, Japan, to game Informers On the cover of FFXVI last year, he said […]

Final Fantasy XVI PC version is in the ‘final stages of optimization’, expect a demo before release

Final Fantasy XVI was released exclusively on PlayStation 5 last June. However, Square Enix had previously revealed that a PC version of the action game was in development. When I spoke to producer Naoki Yoshida at the Square Enix offices in Tokyo, Japan, to game Informers On the cover of FFXVI last year, he said players shouldn’t expect the PC version anytime soon.

With FFXVI’s first DLC, Echoes of the Fallen, already out, and its second DLC, The Rising Tide, scheduled for release this spring, I spoke to Yoshida again about the PC version. I also spoke with him and DLC director Takeo Kujiraoka about The Rising Tide and what players can expect, and you can read game Informers exclusive preview here.

Although Yoshida can’t say when the PC version of FFXVI will be released, he says the team is in the final stages of optimization.

“As far as where we are right now in development, we’re currently trying to figure out the final stages of optimization,” Yoshida tells me through a translator. “When we can release the PC version might depend on that – the system requirements and PC specs that players will need, so we’re trying to figure that out. Naturally, [the PC specifications] appear to be somewhat high.

He says players can rest assured, however, that development on the PC version of FFXVI is going smoothly, but: “As for the release date or when we can announce it, I would like to ask more time on than.”

Yoshida tells me that before FFXVI releases on PC, the team will do its best to announce the best specs and requirements in advance so players can determine if the game will work on their PC.

“And to do this, we are also planning to release a demo for the PC version,” he adds. “Again, we can’t really talk specifics about when the movie will be released. I think with a little more time, we’ll be in a better position to announce things. But one thing’s for sure: It won’t won’t be too far in the future; it won’t be a year, it won’t be two years, it’ll probably be shorter than that, so stay tuned.”

To learn more about the game, visit game Informers Final Fantasy XVI coverage hub for exclusive behind-the-scenes features, video interviews, and more. Read game Informers Final Fantasy XVI review after this.

Are you going to play Final Fantasy XVI on PC? Let us know in the comments below!
