Final Fantasy XVI: The possibility of more DLC ‘isn’t zero,’ but you really shouldn’t expect more

Chatting with Final Fantasy XVI producer Naoki Yoshida at Square Enix’s offices in Tokyo, Japan last year to game Informers Covering the game, he told me that there are currently no plans for DLC. However, a few months after the game‘s June release during The game Awards 2023, Square Enix revealed that FFXVI would receive […]

Final Fantasy XVI: The possibility of more DLC ‘isn’t zero,’ but you really shouldn’t expect more

Chatting with Final Fantasy XVI producer Naoki Yoshida at Square Enix’s offices in Tokyo, Japan last year to game Informers Covering the game, he told me that there are currently no plans for DLC. However, a few months after the game‘s June release during The game Awards 2023, Square Enix revealed that FFXVI would receive two DLCs.

The first – Echoes of the Fallen – was a combat-focused DLC released the same evening. The second – The Rising Tide – is a larger, story-focused DLC for the Leviathan Eikon curiously absent from the main game. While we still don’t know when to expect The Rising Tide other than this spring, I spoke to Yoshida and DLC director Takeo Kujiraoka about what players can expect and more, and you can in learn more in my overview here.

I also asked the duo if the team, known as Creative Business Unit III within Square Enix, was interested in more DLC for FFXVI. After all, the reason Echoes of the Fallen and The Rising Tide exist is because “[after] “Given this positive reception, the positive comments from fans, towards the world of Final Fantasy XVI, towards Valisthea, we felt that it could be a good opportunity” to revisit the game, Yoshida told me.

Although Yoshida will never say, leaving the door slightly open, players probably shouldn’t expect more DLC for FFXVI.

Ifrit to Leviathan

“That’s a tough question,” Yoshida tells me through a translator when I ask about other DLC. “My honest answer is: ‘I don’t know at the moment,’ but at the same time the possibility is not entirely zero. I don’t want to rule out any real possibility at the moment. The reason is that we have spent a lot of effort […] and time to create this game […] and we put a lot of cutting edge technology into this game.

“And through that we were able to gain a lot of experience, a lot of learnings, that we can eventually apply to our next project or title. So my honest feeling is that the team wants to take on a new challenge and move on to a another project – maybe it will be a completely new game, maybe a whole new form of entertainment. I feel like ultimately this could be the best path not only for players, but for us as well. But again, to reiterate, the possibility of more DLC content for Final Fantasy XVI is not zero.

And There you go. As a big fan of Final Fantasy XVI – you can read my game Informer review here – I’d like another reason to revisit this world. To be honest, I would take more DLC, a sequel or even a movie to Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. But my takeaway from this interview is that the team is ready to move on, and I can respect that too.

To learn more about the game, visit game Informers Final Fantasy XVI coverage hub for exclusive behind-the-scenes features, video interviews, and more.

Do you want more Final Fantasy XVI DLC? Let us know in the comments below!
