Gemini starts talking nonsense on the web and Android as reports pour in

What do you want to know Users took to Reddit to report and showcase Gemini’s bizarre series of gibberish and nonsensical responses to queries. Many examples highlight that Gemini delivers huge walls of text with repeated words, random characters, and chunks of code. The issues occurred on the web and Android variants of Gemini, but […]

Gemini starts talking nonsense on the web and Android as reports pour in

What do you want to know

  • Users took to Reddit to report and showcase Gemini’s bizarre series of gibberish and nonsensical responses to queries.
  • Many examples highlight that Gemini delivers huge walls of text with repeated words, random characters, and chunks of code.
  • The issues occurred on the web and Android variants of Gemini, but rephrasing your question seems to get Gemini back into shape.

Google’s AI chatbot, Gemini, runs into trouble when users start reporting strange instances of gibberish.

An user on Reddit posted a screenshot of a response from Gemini, which was full of confusing bits of code and characters from other languages ​​(via 9to5Google). In the user-provided photo, Gemini responded with a huge amount of repetitive words that did not help the user with their query.

Another report ” showed the AI ​​answering the question: “If 0 were a Roman numeral, what would it look like?” » Gemini delivered another huge wall of text filled with words and symbols that didn’t help. A Posted on Reddit an example of Gemini being completely out of place when asked about satellite TV channels.

The AI ​​quickly delivered a wall of “Not Cauchy, Cauchy, Cauchy,” which relates to the Cauchy sequence, a mathematical concept.

Although not widespread, these problems with Gemini are annoying to say the least. The AI ​​isn’t entirely broken, as a quick refresh or new question apparently worked fine. The publication notes that Gemini’s strange gibberish responses have been reported across the web and on its Android mobile variant.

Anyone know what it is? Since r/GoogleGemini

Google’s generative AI has been on a strange journey lately, as users may remember its previews of AI providing faulty answers. Users were given tips for sticking cheese on their pizza and a host of other wacky ideas. The company’s head of research, Liz Reid, weighed in last week, saying this was likely the result of its AI not understanding how to weed out “absurd” and “satirical” questions.

Such questions create an “information gap” because the questions are not typical and therefore there is not much (factual) information. Google’s AI generates a lot more “user-generated” content which, as we all know, can be a bit humorous. Reid said Google got to work implementing a limiter for Search’s AI to reduce “the inclusion of satirical and humorous content.”
