Here’s how to prevent your Oculus account data from being permanently deleted this month

What do you want to know Meta will delete Oculus accounts on March 29, 2024, at which point there will be no way to recover deleted user data. Removed information will include apps and in-app purchases, existing App Store credits, achievements, friends lists, and user-created content. To keep your data, you can transfer your Oculus […]

Here’s how to prevent your Oculus account data from being permanently deleted this month

What do you want to know

  • Meta will delete Oculus accounts on March 29, 2024, at which point there will be no way to recover deleted user data.
  • Removed information will include apps and in-app purchases, existing App Store credits, achievements, friends lists, and user-created content.
  • To keep your data, you can transfer your Oculus account to a Meta account by following the steps below.

If you are a Meta Quest user and you still haven’t converted your Oculus account to a Meta account, there is still time, but time is running out. In an email to users, Meta explained that it will permanently delete Oculus accounts on March 29, 2024. You can create a Meta account to replace your Oculus account at any time before then, but you won’t want to wait long .

Meta says that apps and in-app purchases, existing App Store credits, achievements, friends lists, and user-created content will all be deleted if not transferred. Once deleted, there will be no way to recover the data.

Chances are you’ve already converted your Oculus account to a Meta account. The company stopped allowing users to create Oculus accounts in 2020. It required users to convert Oculus accounts to Meta accounts in October 2022, preventing logins to Oculus accounts in January 2023. Meta attempts to eliminate the Oculus accounts for several years.

Fortunately, it’s a simple transition process. All you need to know is the email address associated with your Oculus ID. From there you can access this portal to create a new account with the same email linked to your Oculus ID. Then everything stored in your Oculus account will automatically be moved to the new Meta account.

Meta sends an email notifying users who may be affected by the planned removal. “To maintain access to the items listed above, you may need to migrate to a Meta account using the email address associated with your Oculus ID before March 29, 2024,” the email states. The emphasis is on the word “may” because some users who have already migrated to a Meta account also received the email.

If you’re not sure whether you’ve transferred your account, you can still try going through the few minutes process. If you have already completed the migration, it will not allow you to create a new account with the email address linked to your Oculus ID. Since your data may be lost, it’s worth checking it.
