How to change party and party leader in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth

In Final Fantasy 7: Remake Cloud was usually alone or with only one or two other companions at a time. Aside from a few instances, mainly combat tracks and VR missions, you never had to worry much about party management during the story. In Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, your team starts at five and only […]

How to change party and party leader in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth

In Final Fantasy 7: Remake Cloud was usually alone or with only one or two other companions at a time. Aside from a few instances, mainly combat tracks and VR missions, you never had to worry much about party management during the story. In Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, your team starts at five and only grows from there.

As was the case in the original and Redo, only three characters can be active in a fight at a time, one of which is the leader. While playing as Cloud is a lot of fun, you’ll be doing yourself a disservice by not changing groups and experimenting with different combinations. The game tells you it can be done, but isn’t as informative about exactly how to do these things as, say, Chadly would be. Here’s how to change your party and appoint your party leader Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth.

how to change parties and party leaders

Square Enix

Switching parties is self-explanatory: you decide which set of three available characters will be the ones to fight in a given battle. The party leader is the character you will control by default at the start of battle, meaning you don’t have to always start as Cloud and switch to someone else if you prefer to play as him.

Both of these can be changed by pausing the game out of combat and entering the Combat Settings section. From there, tap Square to modify your group by selecting one of your current members and replacing them with a reserve.

To change party leader, simply tap Triangle on this screen and select one of the three current members of your party to qualify them as “Leader”. Although you will continue to travel the world as Cloud (or occasionally other characters depending on the context), as soon as a fight begins, you will take control of whoever you choose to be the leader.

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