How to Fix an Apple Watch That Won’t Turn On

The Apple Watch Ultra 2 and various other models come with features that help you track your fitness and wellness, monitor your heart rate, record your sleep patterns, and much more. However, Apple Watches aren’t perfect, and you may find that yours doesn’t work as expected. For example, what should a person do if their […]

How to Fix an Apple Watch That Won’t Turn On

The Apple Watch Ultra 2 and various other models come with features that help you track your fitness and wellness, monitor your heart rate, record your sleep patterns, and much more. However, Apple Watches aren’t perfect, and you may find that yours doesn’t work as expected.

For example, what should a person do if their Apple Watch won’t turn on? It’s not an ideal position, but it can happen. In such a situation, you can take steps to resolve the problem.

Joe Maring / Digital Trends

Why your Apple Watch won’t turn on

Facing a situation where your Apple Watch won’t turn on can be very annoying, especially if you use it regularly to monitor your health. Before jumping to conclusions, it’s worth keeping in mind that there are several reasons why your Apple Watch may not turn on, and many of them can be resolved by trying a few basic troubleshooting steps .

What are these reasons? The battery may be dead, your charger may be faulty, or there may be a software bug. In short, there are a number of possibilities why your Apple Watch won’t turn on.

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Apple Watch series 9

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

how to Fix an Apple Watch That Won’t Turn On

The good news? There are solutions to most problems. Here are some solutions you can try to fix your Apple Watch if it won’t turn on.

Step 1: The most obvious reason why your Apple Watch won’t turn on could be that its battery is completely drained. Therefore, as a first troubleshooting step, connect your Apple Watch to its charger and wait a few minutes. Sometimes, if the battery is completely discharged, it may take a while for the watch to show signs of charging. If possible, try a different power outlet or charger. Yes, sometimes your power outlet is broken.

2nd step: If your Apple Watch still won’t turn on, the problem may be with your charging accessories. Starts with cable and adapter inspection for any signs of wear or damage. Also make sure to clean the back of your Apple Watch, as dirt could prevent a connection. You can use a lint cloth to gently wipe the back of the watch. Using a third-party charging station or charger for your Apple Watch, such as an iPhone 3-in-one charger, can also cause issues. Troubleshoot, revert to original Apple Watch charging cable and see if that fixes the problem.

Step 3: If your Apple Watch won’t turn on, it may be due to a software issue. In this situation, you can attempt a force restart. To do this, press and hold the side button and Digital Crown on your device for about 10 seconds. You should notice the Apple logo appear on your device followed by the boot sequence.

Step 4: Finally, if your Apple Watch won’t turn on, it may have a hardware problem. To confirm this, check the portable device for any physical damage that could affect its ability to turn on. If you don’t see any physical damage, there may be a problem inside the unit, such as water damage. In such a case, it is recommended to Contact Apple Support help.

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