Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Romance Guide: How to Date Every Character

One of the most memorable moments from the original Final Fantasy 7 is the meeting scene at Gold Saucer. There was no way Square Enix would leave this part aside. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. In the original, it was almost an Easter egg of sorts to learn that you could end up going on a […]

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Romance Guide: How to Date Every Character

One of the most memorable moments from the original Final Fantasy 7 is the meeting scene at Gold Saucer. There was no way Square Enix would leave this part aside. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. In the original, it was almost an Easter egg of sorts to learn that you could end up going on a date with almost every member of the cast, not just Aerith. This is because the relationship system was hidden and almost impossible to manipulate without a guide. Fortunately, Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth makes things much clearer with the new link system which shows you how strong your relationship with each character is. This plays directly into who you end up sharing an emotional moment with towards the end of the game.

how to date each character

Square Enix

Who you end up dating at Gold Saucer is dictated by who you formed the strongest bond with. If you don’t go out of your way to tip the scales one way or another, there’s a good chance you’ll end up choosing Aerith, but you can date Tifa, Barret, Yuffie, and Red XIII if you want to see a different series. of events.

The connections are built in several ways and are represented by a small emoji above the characters, who head towards central cities as they wander alone. The sooner you decide who you want to date, the easier it will be to achieve this. Once you’ve made your choice, make sure you always talk to them when you have the chance and try to say things they’ll agree with to deepen your relationship. You also need to bring them into battle, unlock and use any synergistic attacks that combine Cloud and them to get a boost that way.

The biggest bond building is doing side quests associated with that character. Whenever you start a side quest, one of your cast will be heavily involved from the start to make it clear who you’ll be bonding with. If this is the character you want to date, make sure to do this quest. Otherwise, ignore it so as not to risk strengthening another character’s bond.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth gives you a heads up before the big night so you have an extra chance to do a few extra quests to make sure you date who you want before committing to that date. Once you’re sure you’re getting who you want, go to sleep and wait for your partner to show up and take you out for a night on the town.

It might not seem as “real”, but you can replay this chapter once you’ve completed the game and, as long as a character’s bond is above a certain threshold, you can actually choose who you play with. want to go out on a date. can see all scenes.

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