Square Enix will “aggressively” continue its multiplatform strategy as the company restarts

Square Enix is ​​rebooting itself, “aggressively” pursuing a multi-platform strategy including PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo and PC. This comes from the company’s latest financial results reportwhich details Square Enix’s three-year reboot plan for long-term growth. As part of this three-year restart plan, Square Enix lists four pillars: Improve productivity by optimizing development footprint in the digital […]

Square Enix will “aggressively” continue its multiplatform strategy as the company restarts

Square Enix is ​​rebooting itself, “aggressively” pursuing a multi-platform strategy including PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo and PC. This comes from the company’s latest financial results reportwhich details Square Enix’s three-year reboot plan for long-term growth.

As part of this three-year restart plan, Square Enix lists four pillars:

  • Improve productivity by optimizing development footprint in the digital entertainment (DE) segment
  • Diversify revenue opportunities by strengthening customer touchpoints
  • Deploy initiatives to create additional fundamental stability
  • Finding a balance between shareholder return and growth investment when allocating capital

As part of the plan, Square Enix will “aggressively pursue a multi-platform strategy including Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox and PC platforms,” according to the financial firm. report. “In particular, with respect to major franchises and AAA titles, including catalog titles, this will create an environment in which more customers can enjoy these titles,” he continues, perhaps alluding to releases cross-platform future Final Fantasy games and more.

This change in strategy follows reports that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, a PlayStation 5 exclusive RPG that launched in February, had underperformed; Final Fantasy VII Rebirth followed in the footsteps of its predecessor, Final Fantasy VII Remake, which launched exclusively on PlayStation 4 in 2020, and Final Fantasy XVI, which released on PS5 last year (although it is expected to release on PC in the future) .

Square Enix also says it will “develop a platform strategy for SD” [Smart Devices/PC Browser portfolio] this includes not only iOS and Android, but also the possibility of PC launches. He continues: “In addition, the Group will endeavor to maximize the acquisition of new users upon the launch of a title and that of recurring users after the start of management of the game‘s operation.”

Throughout the financial report, Square Enix uses the word “fun” as a focal point for the future development of its games. He says he wants to focus on developing titles that “offer “fun” that doesn’t [Square Enix] can create and build.

In terms of numbers, Square Enix’s net sales increased 3.8% year-over-year to $2.28 billion this year, while digital entertainment sales increased 2.5% to $1.59 billion. of dollars. However, its operating profit – $209 million – is down almost 27%.

These numbers and the resulting shift in strategy aren’t surprising, considering that in late April, Square Enix canceled some of its games in development to be “more selective and focused,” which fits with its new philosophy. This likely means we’ll see more titles like Dragon Age XI, Final Fantasy XVI, and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on various platforms and fewer games like Foamstars and The DioField Chronicle. However, only time will tell, and Square Enix believes it will take three years for this business to get going again.

To find out more, read game Informers Final Fantasy VII Rebirth review, then read game Informers Final Fantasy XVI Review. After that, check out Final Fantasy XIV’s upcoming Dawntrail expansion, which is set to release in July.

What do you think of Square Enix’s new strategy? Let us know in the comments below!
