How to join the Concord beta

PlayStation PlayStation’s first real chance to break into the live service world will be competitive shooter Concord. The game features a (literally) colorful cast of characters, and the gameplay shown so far seems to take a lot of inspiration from the hero shooter genre. Finding that balance between such distinct characters, weapons, and abilities is […]

How to join the Concord beta


PlayStation’s first real chance to break into the live service world will be competitive shooter Concord. The game features a (literally) colorful cast of characters, and the gameplay shown so far seems to take a lot of inspiration from the hero shooter genre. Finding that balance between such distinct characters, weapons, and abilities is difficult, and Concord doesn’t follow the free-to-play route like many other live games. Fortunately, we have the chance to test the game before depositing our money. If you and your friends want to check out this game before launch, here’s how to access the beta.

how to join the Concord beta

There are technically two ways to access the Concord beta. The first is to pre-order one or another version of the game on PlayStation. Either one will allow you to join the beta when it begins in July. Not only that, but you will also get three additional beta codes to share with your friends.

If you don’t want to invest in a pre-order, there is technically another way to access it. Since each person who pre-orders gets three codes to share, all you need to do is convince a friend to pre-order the game and share a code with you.

You also get some nice pre-order bonuses. Concord launch on August 23, 2024.

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